Tara Joseph speaks on Bloomberg about the damage that violent protests in Hong Kong are having on business sentiment in one of the world's largest financial centers.
Tara Joseph speaks on Bloomberg

Tara Joseph speaks Live on CNN
Tara Joseph speaks Live on CNN after President Biden's administration says China's tightening measures on Hong Kong is an extraordinary threat to American security and to American business. She says businesses in Hong Kong face a "new normal" after the former colony establishes a draconian national security law and the US places sanctions on several HK officials.
Reuter' Tara Joseph reports on NYT video site that black markets sales of iphones are surging in Hong Kong as the company awaits approval to sell its iphone 6 in mainland China.
Reuters' Tara Joseph reports

Speaking on CNBC
Tara Joseph says it would be disappointing if Hong Kong became \"just a hostage\" in the U.S.-China trade war.